Nagoorgani and malarvizhi 12 established the isomorphism properties of strong fuzzy graphs. Directed fuzzy hypergraphs are introduced as a generalization of both crisp directed hypergraphs and directed fuzzy graphs. Fuzzy mathematics forms a branch of mathematics related to fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic. The minimum cardinality taken over all minimal point set dominating set is called a point set domination number of a fuzzy graph g and it is denoted by.
In this paper we concentrate on the point set domination number of a fuzzy graph and obtain some bounds using the neighbourhood degree of fuzzy graphs. In this research study, we design a new framework for handling uncertain data by means of the combinative theory of qrung orthopair fuzzy sets and hypergraphs. Mathematics free fulltext hypergraphs in mpolar fuzzy. Certain concepts of bipolar fuzzy directed hypergraphs. It started in 1965 after the publication of lotfi asker zadehs seminal work fuzzy sets. Since intervalvalued fuzzy set theory is an increasingly popular extension of fuzzy set theory where traditional 0, 1valued membership degrees are replaced. A fuzzy hypergraph or hypergraph relates to a set of granules and their relations in a specific granularity, and a series of hypergraphs correspond to a hierarchical structure.
In fuzzy hypergraphs and hypergraphs models in granular computing. Samanta and pal introduced fuzzy tolerance graphs 21, fuzzy threshold graphs 22, fuzzy competition graphs 23 and bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs 24. In this section, we describe a couple of example applications of hypergraphs. Intuitionistic fuzzy hypergraphs cybernetics and information. In the open literature, there are many papers written on the subject of fuzzy graph theory. Building on fuzzy set theory, fuzzy graphs associate each node with a degree of membership in each edge. Fuzzy hypergraphs were redefined and generalized by leekwang and keonmyung. More specifically, this book includes a collections ofsome stateoftheart surveys, tutorials, and application examples written by some experts working in the interdisciplinary fields overlapping fuzzy logic and chaos theory. In case of modelling systems with fuzzy binary and multiarity relations between objects, transition to fuzzy hypergraphs, which combine advantages both fuzzy and graph models, is more natural. The book should be of interest to research mathematicians and to. In this paper we are giving an overview on the fuzzy graph and its various kinds. It discusses applied generalized mathematical models of hypergraphs, including complex, intuitionistic, bipolar, mpolar fuzzy, pythagorean, complex pythagorean, and qrung orthopair hypergraphs, as well as singlevalued neutrosophic, complex neutrosophic and bipolar. We construct a fuzzy hyperoperation from a p fuzzy hypergraph and then. We connect the fuzzy hypergraphs and fuzzy graphs via the fundamental relation.
Fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs find more terms and definitions using our dictionary search. Fuzzy logic and the theory of fuzzy sets have been applied widely in areas like information theory, pattern recognition, clustering, expert systems, database theory, control theory, robotics, networks and nanotechnology. A hypernetwork m is a network whose underlying structure is a hypergraph h. Fuzzy set theoryand its applications, fourth edition. Operations on fuzzy hypergraphs were introduced by berge 3. L fuzzy graphs into the category of p om l fuzzy hypergraphs. In this paper, we discuss some properties of the self complement and self weak complement bipolar fuzzy graphs, and get a sufficient condition for a bipolar fuzzy graph to be the self weak complement bipolar fuzzy graph. Rosenfeld introduced fuzzy graphs in 1975 to deal with relations involving uncertainty. However, fuzzy hypergraphs are more advanced generalization of fuzzy graphs. This function is also called a membership function. In this section, we define three operations on the intuitionistic fuzzy graphs, viz. Graph theory has numerous application to problems in systems analysis, operations research, economics, and transportation.
Fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs pp 5231 cite as. The intervalvalued fuzzy graphs are more flexible and compatible than fuzzy graphs due to the fact that they allowed the degree of membership of a vertex to an edge to be represented by interval. Download fuzzy hypergraphs and related extensions softarchive. It allows to realise formal optimisation and logical procedures. An application to the problem concerning group structure connectedness of a fuzzy graph 4.
The elements of v are thought of as vertices of the graph and the elements of r are thought of as the edges similarly, any fuzzy relation. Akram and davvaz 1 defined strong intuitionistic fuzzy graphs. Fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs studies in fuzziness and. Some results on point set domination of fuzzy graphs in. Download fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs ebook caxicalf.
In 1965, lofti zadeh published his seminal paper fuzzy sets 11 which described fuzzy set theory and consequently fuzzy logic. This content was uploaded by our users and we assume good faith they have the permission to share this book. Pdf fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs semantic scholar. Mordeson and premchand nair 1 introduced the concept of fuzzy hypergraphs and several fuzzy analogs of hypergraph theory.
Pdf in this paper, we define some basic concepts of bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs, cut level bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs, dual bipolar fuzzy hypergraphs and. This paper introduces the concept of a bipolar fuzzy line graph of a bipolar fuzzy hypergraph and some of the properties of the bipolar fuzzy line graph of a bipolar fuzzy hypergraph are also examined. The researcher can avail himself of graphs of various types in order to represent concepts like networks with imprecise information, whether it is. Professors mordeson and nair have made a real contribution in putting together a very com prehensive book on fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs. Fuzzy magic labeling for some graphs like path, cycle, and star graph is defined. The concept of pseudo regular graphs was applied in the theory of nano molecules and nanostructures which are the most booming area of nanoscience. Fuzzy graph theory is a conceptual framework to study and analyze the units that are intensely or frequently connected in a network. It is proved that the set of all directed fuzzy hypergraphs can be structured into a magmoid with operations graph composition and disjoint union.
Whenever there is a need to define multiary relationship rather than binary relationship, one can use fuzzy hypergraphs. We have shown that the removal of a fuzzy bridge from a fuzzy magic cycle with odd nodes reduces the strength of a fuzzy magic cycle. Fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs request pdf researchgate. Pdf fuzzy hypergraph and fuzzy partition researchgate. The fuzzy graph theory is used in telecommunication system 29. Mordeson and nair presented a valuable contribution on fuzzy graphs as well as fuzzy hypergraphs in. Pdf intuitionistic fuzzy hypergraphs with applications muhammad. Further, some results related to the concept are proved. This paper introduces the concept of a bipolar fuzzy line graph of a bipolar fuzzy hypergraph and some of the properties of the bipolar fuzzy line graph of a. Different types of products on intuitionistic fuzzy graphs core. Metric induced morphological operators on intuitionistic fuzzy. This discount cannot be combined with any other discount or promotional offer. Relaxing the assumption of pairwise relationships, fuzzy hypergraphs are defined by a set of nodes and a set of fuzzy subsets of these nodes. The paradigm shift prompted by zadehs fuzzy sets in 1965 did not end with the fuzzy model and logic.
Pdf in this paper, the concept of hypergraph is extended to the. Fuzzy hypergraphs and related extensions by muhammad akram 2020 english pdf. The concepts of fuzzy labeling and fuzzy magic labeling graph are introduced. Different types of products on intuitionistic fuzzy graphs. Zimmermann 4 has discussed some properties of fuzzy graphs. It means the expansion of graph models for the modeling complex systems. Nair download fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs mordeson.
Fuzzy hypergraphs and related extensions muhammad akram. Fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs pdf free download. A description of strengthening and weakening members of a group 3. Bipolar fuzzy line graph of a bipolar fuzzy hypergraph in. It is used to study the mathematical structures of pairwise relations among objects. Sekar found pseudo regular fuzzy graphs and pseudo regular intuitionistic fuzzy graphs and their properties which may be useful in. It discusses applied generalized mathematical models of hypergraphs, including complex, intuitionistic. Also we investigate relations between operations union, join, and complement on bipolar fuzzy graphs. An mpolar fuzzy mf, for short set is a useful notion in practice, which is used by researchers or modelings on real world problems that sometimes involve multiagents, multi. First, the direct product of two intuitionistic fuzzy graphs is defined. The same authors discussed certain pythagorean fuzzy graphs and also defined qrung orthopair fuzzy competition graphs with applications in. Mathew and sunitha 6 described the types of arcs in a fuzzy graph. In 1, 2 the concepts of fuzzy graphs, fuzzy hypergraphs and intuitionistic fuzzy graphs are introduced.
It is shown that any bipolar fuzzy graph can be expressed as the bipolar fuzzy intersection graphs of some bipolar fuzzy sets. Kreutzer s and schweikardt n on hanfequivalence and the number of embeddings of small induced subgraphs proceedings of the joint meeting of the twentythird eacsl annual conference on computer science logic csl and the twentyninth annual acmieee symposium on logic in computer science lics, 110. Practical tasks of map coloring in case of objects groups allocation, not connected by any binary relation, come to the problem of coloring of graph. Intervalvalued fuzzy hypergraphs were introduced by chen. Lastly, fuzzy chromatic polynomials for complete fuzzy graphs and fuzzy cycles are studied and some results are obtained. Mordeson and nair 8 gave details of fuzzy graphs and hypergraphs. Recently, akram 1 introduced bipolar fuzzy graphs by combining bipolar fuzzy set theory and graph theory. Intuitionistic fuzzy hypergraphs with applications. This book attempts to present some current research progress and results on the interplay of fuzzy logic and chaos theory. Integration of fuzzy logic and chaos theory zhong li. Finally, we present an example of a bipolar fuzzy partition on the digital image processing. This redefinition does not change properties the graph determined by an adjacent and an incidence of its vertices and edges. Based on granular structures, the mapping between fuzzy hypergraphs or hypergraphs presents the relations of the granules in different levels.
A graph is a pair v, r, where v is a set and r is a relation on v. An application of fuzzy hypergraphs and hypergraphs in granular computing. In this framework a notion of syntactic recognition inside magmoids is defined and several. Kreutzer s and schweikardt n on hanfequivalence and the number of embeddings of small induced subgraphs proceedings of the joint meeting of the twentythird eacsl annual conference on computer science logic csl and the twentyninth annual acmieee symposium on logic in. Pseudo regularity of fuzzy hypergraph and intuitionistic. Request pdf fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs graph theory has numerous application to problems in systems analysis, operations research. Connectivity analysis of cyclically balanced fuzzy graphs. Fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs studies in fuzziness. Doctor of philosophy with a major in mathematics university of idaho abstract we use methods and definitions from fuzzy set theory to generalize results concerning hypergraphs and intersection graphs. The book 5 by mordeson and nair entitled fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs is an excellent source for research in fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs. Cyclic vertex connectivity and cyclic edge connectivity of fuzzy graphs are also discussed. It discusses applied generalized mathematical models of fuzzy sets to hypergraphs, including intuitionistic fuzzy sets, bipolar fuzzy sets, mpolar fuzzy sets, etc. This task is closely connected to the calculation of internal stable sets of graphs, calculation of chromatic number and a chromatic class of the graph. Applications of fuzzy hypergraphs include portfolio management and managerial decision making.
Akram and dudek 2 studied regular bipolar fuzzy graphs, and akram 3 also discussed bipolar fuzzy graphs with applications. The purpose of zadehs paper was to develop a theory which could deal with ambiguity and imprecision of certain classes or sets in human thinking, particularly in the domains of pattern recognition, communication of information, and abstraction. Some interesting remarks on fuzzy chromatic polynomial of fuzzy graphs have been derived. A study on hypergraph representations of complex fuzzy.
They also discussed intuitionistic fuzzy hypergraphs with applica tions 3. Existing graphbased methods for extractive document summarization represent sentences of a corpus as the nodes of a graph or a. However, there are relatively books available on the very same topic. In the course of fuzzy technological development, fuzzy graph theory was. We introduce the notion of intervalvalued fuzzy complete graphs and present some properties of self complementary and self weak complementary. This requires the development of a new theory of fuzzy graphs involving an arbitrary tnorm in the basic definition of a fuzzy graph. Jan 01, 2014 directed fuzzy hypergraphs are introduced as a generalization of both crisp directed hypergraphs and directed fuzzy graphs. Ramaswamy and poornima discussed product fuzzy graphs.
Fuzzy hypergraphs and fuzzy intersection graphs by william l. In this chapter, intervalvalued fuzzy hypergraph is discussed which is a generalization of fuzzy hypergraph. Relationship is the core building block of a network, and todays world advances through the complex networks. This book presents the fundamental and technical concepts of fuzzy hypergraphs and explains their extensions and applications. A new concept of fuzzy colouring of fuzzy graph is given in ref. An application of fuzzy hypergraphs and hypergraphs in. It is proved that every fuzzy magic graph is a fuzzy labeling graph, but the converse is not true. Complement and isomorphism on bipolar fuzzy graphs. Further, we propose certain novel concepts, including adjacent levels of qrung orthopair fuzzy. We define qrung orthopair fuzzy hypergraphs to achieve the advantages of both theories. Fuzzy chromatic polynomial of fuzzy graphs with crisp and.
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